Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hey peeps ;D its been like .... a whole year since i've blog ? :(
okay , let's start now ;D

As all knw, this year is the syf year...
i knw all will be thinking " argh! sian, everyday band, want go out oso cannot! No life! "
ya, i think that too =X
but what to do ?
We don't have to it so negative :)
think it fun!
we can play and work hard at the same time ;D
eg. talk craps during sectionals. [ exchanging of Candice's and David's body and neck LOL ]
But that's gonna be only during sectionals
if full band we do does, Mr Tan's gonna eat all of us up 0.0

After CNY, there will be practises every saturday, morning to evening [ if im not wrong ]
so please set ALL your tuitions, piano lessons, dates, clique outings on Sundays :)

POHYEE - please explain to your mum ;) if she's upset, can always talk to the teachers-in- charge :)

VANESSE - be more expressive !! you siao siao de, sure know how to express de :)
your tone colour.
jiayous !

DAVID - work on your rhythms- dont throw my face like that time de 12/8 bars-
sound, try not to let your saliva sounds come back :)
jiayous !

Sunday, January 09, 2011