Friday, January 30, 2009
I'LL COME BACK TO SEE YOU GUYS SOON. when i'm free of course :)
to those sec 1 that dont knw me... I'M MELISSA :D
yanying's FAVOURITE SENIOR !!~
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Celebrated WeiQi's Birthday Today.
It's like 4 days after her birthday but, nvm la hor...
Took lots of pics then....
We were having sctionals with Afiqah..
Then YanYing,Gavin & Hazmei came with a birthday cake.
~happy birthday to u~XD
Cut cake cut cake!Peeking...
Ta-da! ELMO!!
WeiQi & Sec2s.
WeiQi & Sec3s.
WeiQi & Sec4&5.
horhor.. caught red handed~
in the band room...
Welcome to...
Elmo time !!

Had lots fun today!
YanYing fell down when they were rushing to buy cake.
From the starting of the celebration till the end...
WeiQi kept saying "so touched~".
logging off now.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I'm sorry for hurting you through the post.
Looks like it affected you much more than when I tell it to you verbally.
So look, I'm sorry.
But I was really really pissed.
You can ask the whole section.
I called and even messaged you but no reply was given.
That's why I was pissed.
I hope our friendship is not affected.
Maybe I really had a major major mood swing while typing the message.
So I know that I'm in the wrong, and I apologize with my heart.
The problems you have playing the saxophone,
you should know yourself.
I just hope that you work hard,
and to me, you're not a child.
Well, I kinda look up to you at times.
Without you in the section to aid me, I might be worse than what I am now.
So please don't have the wrong impression.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
well well, i dunno how much rights i have among all alumnis to be here to say this.
firstly, if anonymous wans to apeak in this blog, pls be daring enough to put down yr big name. we're really thankful for yr comments and will take into serious consideration. if u r band member in another section, i can tell u that different section have different sl, different sl have different way and teaching and leading.
hello jianhuang, although i dunno who u r, and u dunno who i m. but i m really glad u r concern about the section so fast. but i still have to say, sec1s juz stay and watch, so as to nt get into any trouble worx. =D
yo kahjie, super long time no see! so which part of yy's post that insulted u? " yr tone suck big time"? u say u will improve yr tone, so u do agree that yr tone doesnt sound right? or izzit the suck word angered u. well, i guess yy isnt in the right mind to post this or izzit juz language that ppl used these days?
by posting here, yy is nt treating u like a kid. if she treat u like a kid, she would juz have sat down and talk to u calmly. why is the post only about u? i dun believe that the whole section only u gt prob. she is treating u as a friend and is very angry to see u nt being one of the better player in the section. heartache, ming bai ma? maybe yy is still shocked about yr reaction to her post. well, at least, i m.
miss name mentions this "*she's not as fortunate as your to have your family around you all the time, and yet she cannot have the benefit of returning back to visit her family. Have you then put yourself in her shoes then?"
we cant fully understand what izzit like to be separated from yr family. but u shld noe that u r given the benefit to return to visit yr family right? i dunno for now. but back then, when u wanted to go back malaysia, we didnt make any noise, even if it's for 1 whole month, we did thought of ways to solve this, but to no avail.
If the definition of being a good leader is someone who uses insults and force people to subdue others, I bow to you." to some extent, it is. look back, gt which leader never use force de? but why did the leader wan to use force? bcuz member cant follow the right way. and for insult leh, if insult = suan hor, the person who do this the most is who? the greatest person of the band ok. so yupp, name, u may bow to most leaders. ( i m a section leader once too. tyty! )
THE MAIN POINT IS where is the force that name mentions? like what kj says, she is nt a kid anymore, whatever yy says is juz hoping that kj can sit down and think. for kj's character, nobody could force her do anything she dun wan to. and yy as her friend shld have realised it.
band is made up of sections, sections is made up of members. everybody thinks that their cca is unique, so do i and all of u. having a section of dunno how many ppl strong to sit down and play music tgt is nt easy. so all of u muz put in yr heart and soul to play.
b4 u get angry, pls reminisce on the times when we have the fun and nervousness and tgtness. BHF, JBF, SYF, presentation night, concerts. rmb how we laughed, how we become so high, how we get scolded, suan and even cry tgt. ( sry hor, my memory stop about 2 yrs ago, the others u all add in )
yy, next time dun post section ugly things on the blog, ugly things muz kept within the house, to prevent outsiders from interuptting. if nt u will have to deal with ugly things, and outsider comments, v tiring. =D next time dun be so chong dong. time for the session that everybody loves most. make sure everybody cry worx.
SYF is juz another process for all of u to go through, juz that it is the stressest among all. i believe saxes can make it. saxes always can make it! =D <3 dun fight already, it's nt worth to kill yr friendship, sectionship in this process. cry finshed pick up yr bag and went on again.
so how's the other saxies? fine? woots, gt so many sec1s wors, but my batch still gt the most number. hee hee.
so i shall be nice to put down the birthdaysss
esther- 1st jul
kaisah- 17th april
shaoming- 5th sep
elaine- 18 april
sally- 19th april
benji- 3rd aug
clar- 2nd aug
james- 27th nov
mel- 5th jan
dewi- 17th nov
me - 20th jun
weiqi- 24th jan
haz- 15th may
linghui- 22nd feb
yanying- 21st jul
kahjie- 28 jun
mingwei- 31st jul
afiqah- 21st march
yayi- 12th may
gavin- 4th dec.
tada, for those bold ones, check for relibility. ( SS skills xpxp)
off~ pls " confront" me if u gt any prob. =D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Look at tis freakin funny video!!!
Enjoy~!! =DD
Sunday, January 11, 2009
(Sorry Gavin its not porn ^^v.. bwahahahaha~~)
The video(s) of the powerpuff girls musical... =o=""
Character involved: KahJie, Han Xuan and well... me ==""
Man... take so freakin long to upload the video... ZZZ...
Urgh still nda process......... SO LOOONGG!! I GOT 2 MORE VIDEOS TO GOO!!!
Finally.. kk nxt up ^^~!!
......sianz TAKE SO LONG TO UPLOAD...AGAIN...... Z.z...
.................................................................................... Z.z..
*processing video in progress*
Alrighty done =o=""!! sweet~*!! Prepare ur popcorns and enjoy! =DD~
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tuesday, January 06, 2009